Monday, March 13, 2006

Delayed Thoughts

Well, I knew that I'd be starting this off slowly. However, I didn't realize that it would take me three weeks before I could get down another posting. Why do I feel like I'm always too busy? This will have to get better.

So I took the MPRE last weekend. The law industry is such a screwed up system. Its fairly bizarre that my school requires us to take a professional responsibility course, but it does make some sense since we have to take the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam to pass the bar. Why? Well, the easy answer is that lawyers are enimen.

What makes NO sense is that the course is not taught to the exam. Instead we cover a tiny fraction of the material...well, I guess it depends on the professor, but my class learned about 7 rules. As a result, we have to learn most of the material for the MPRE from an outlined study guide. Basically, its like reading a dictionary - not fun, but I guess its good practice for the bar exam.

What else have I been doing lately? Can you say "wedding"? I'm just kidding around...I mean, it is really exciting and I enjoy most of the research and planning. At the same time, I better learn how to pace myself. Its only been a month and there is already so much going on for the wedding that I never thought I'd care about. I can't believe I care about our colors. I don't think I even realized there were wedding colors until recently and yet I care about mine. There are plenty of things I already know that I don't care much about: flowers, invitations, linens, table settings, etc. I bet most of you don't realize that some couples actually fight about the types of chairs used in the reception/ceremony...ridiculous!

Ever wonder what it's like to have ADD? Well, I'm not going to get into the details now, but I will as time goes on. However, you might get a feeling by reading about my experience last night. Thoughts were going through my head like rapid fire. Here is are a few examples of the topics: is seven too large of a number of attendants, who is my best man, do I even need a best man, I have to apply to my dream job, I've go this test (actually I didn't think much about the test), job stuff, wedding stuff, etc. Without feeling what I felt, this may seem like the same thing as having a lot of anxiety, but trust me I do get anxiety from time to time and I wasn't anxious about any of this stuff. I wasn't really nervous about anything. Instead, it was just like boom, boom, boom - thoughts running wild. It was like someone was flipping through channels inside my head like switch, switch, switch...never getting the whole story. Have you ever watched TV with someone that just can't make up their mind? Well, it was sort of like that. There was just too much going on in my head for me to fall asleep - and now i'm tired.

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